About me
I’m Vincenzo Gargano i’m a student in Artificial Intelligence, self taught musician and artist.
In this website i’ll write about music, art, science and all the stuff i’m intrested in and i think it’s worth sharing. Trying maybe to connect them in some way.
My Studies
I’m currently enrolled in AI master degree in UniPi (Pisa, Italy). I’m currently self studying Computational Neuroscience and Dynamical and Complex Systems. I’m intrested in connections between those two fields and broadly speaking: Machine Learning. During my master degree i’ve discovered about how much important is Probability/Statistical learning theory for AI methods so i’ll focus on that too.
My passions
I play guitar, i don’t currently have particular project but i’m eager to start one. I’m intrested in Jazz Fusion, Funk and bubbly sounding things. I’m also intrested in Electronic Music and Sound Design, maybe in future i’ll study something to start doing some production.
I’m really good at drawing from references. I’m intrested in Digital Art and restoring and coloring my favourite manga panels. Applying math to art is something i’m into too, creating shaders or art programming like live music coding.
My Socials
Here i’ll post, music and art. [Instagram]: https://www.instagram.com/cenzogargano/